The first negative tide of the summer is on June 11. I can hardly wait to get out there and look for sand dollars with my sweetheart and my dogs. We walk the sandy cove while my labs chase waves. These are big fish days!! You have to look at a tide chart to see when the big fish and the little fish days are…
I am looking for hunting guides and fishing charter captains who do not already have a lodge they use for their clients. It is so nice to have hunting/fishing charters show up at the cove to pick up my guests! I went out with Aleut Dance Charters last summer. Ivan Lukin from Port Lions is a great fishing boat captain and I was thrilled to be able to pass along some business to him.
Doesn’t some halibut sound awesome just about now? Cooked on marshmallow skewers over a camp fire? With a bowl of melted butter sitting down next to the flames? A couple of our guests from last summer turned us on to this trick. My mouth is watering now…
I am planning to arrive at the cabins on May 30 for the summer. I will probably go home for a week at the end of June, but that may be subject to change. If anyone wants a ride from the Anchorage Airport to Homer to catch the ferry, contact me about the dates I plan to be passing through on the way to the island.
I hope to see you soon!